Wednesday, December 19, 2007



高中时,星期六只上半天课,中午放学,剩下的半天我可以自由运用, 不用急着赶路回家,于是星期六对我便有宗教般的意义,而我也有一套完整的“仪式”对应: 从建中校门出来后,穿过南海路,进入植物园,到荷花池边散步,看花看乌龟,慢慢往万华方向踱去,脚步尽量放慢 ,享受园中风光。出了植物园侧门,我加快步伐,开始计时,目的在最短时间内穿过高架桥下从古亭区进入万华区,到万华戏院门口等公车回板桥。若是能在十五分钟内到达,我就奖励自己一个“福州胡椒饼”。胡椒饼一个五元,正好是我走路而省下的公车费。


The content below is from ETTV 食全食美。


播出日期 2004.10.05
料理系統 台菜
食材分類 13
烹調大師 蔡季芳

材 料:
後腿肉丁1斤 肥絞肉3兩
高筋麵粉3杯 青蔥6兩 蒜泥1/2小匙
生白芝麻1/2大匙 乾酵母1又1/2小匙
糖蜜2大匙 沙拉油1小匙

醬油8大匙 五香粉1/2小匙
黑胡椒粒1小匙 糖3大匙

做 法:
( 10/05 15:01 )


The content below is from


材料: (15個)
油皮材料:高筋麵粉 75g,低筋麵粉 75g,酥油 50g,糖粉 30g,水 70 ml。
油酥材料:低筋麵粉 220g,酥油 85g。
餡料:(每個約55g)豬絞肉 600g,蔥末 100g,白芝麻 50g,砂糖 20g,鹽 10g,醬油 30g,黑胡椒粉 10g,五香粉少許。
其他材料:白芝麻適量。* 芝麻泡水十分鐘,瀝乾水份備用。

1. 準備餡料:將所有餡料材料混合攪拌均勻備用。
2. 製作油皮:將所有油皮材料混合,搓揉均勻至表面光滑且麵團有彈性,覆蓋保鮮膜,靜置10~15分鐘。
3. 此時可以製作油酥:混合低筋麵粉與酥油,耐心捏揉至成團狀(約2~3分鐘左右)。揉均勻的油酥應該是沒有彈性的粉團,用力按壓會碎裂,但是仍能整成團狀或條狀。將油皮與油酥都分割成15等份備用。
4. 每個油皮包裹一個油酥,捏緊開口,用掌心按壓一下,用桿麵杖從中間向前後兩側桿開,從一端捲起,如此包完全部的油酥。將每個捲好的油酥皮換方向再輕壓、桿開、包捲(詳細圖示與說明請參考台式蛋塔的做法圖示)
5. 最後桿開油酥皮成約手掌掌心大小,取一份肉餡放在中央,慢慢收緊油酥皮並向內收攏使成圓球狀,最後把收口處捏緊(一定要捏緊,否則烤的時候容易爆開)。把餅略壓扁平,在表面拍上泡過水的白芝麻並排放在烤盤上。參考附圖A。
6. 將烤箱預熱至200 C / 400 F,放入烘烤約20分鐘即可。參考附圖B。

參考來源: 精緻點心DIY, 游純雄著。

1. 糖粉=powdered sugar,不可用一般砂糖代替。
2. 我用黑胡椒粒炒過之後再磨碎成粉狀,顆粒比現成的黑胡椒粉略粗,也比較香。可以買顆粒較粗的黑胡椒粉來代用,但還是現磨的比較香喔。

1杯 = 240cc = 240 ml
1大匙 = 1 Tablespoon = 15 cc = 15 ml
1小匙 = 1 Teaspoon = 5 cc = 5 ml



Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pictures for the walls behind the dry-wall.

Before the dry-walls are up, it is a good idea to take pictures for all walls in the house, so we can know the details behind each wall. The problem is how to manage these pictures since they all look the same.

When I took pictures, I followed the following rules:
  1. From top to down in levels.
  2. Start with the room located at the left-front corner of the house, and navigate all rooms on the same floor in the counter-clock order.
  3. In a room, start with the wall facing toward the facade of the house, and take pictures for the walls in the room in the counter-clock order.
To manage and search through these pictures, I need an easy and quick way to locate the corresponding picture of any wall in the house. Making notes to each picture is not good enough. Ideally, I shall be able to point to any wall on the blueprint of the house, and the corresponding picture of the wall will pop-up. This sounds a good software project for the family.

Monday, December 10, 2007




Thursday, December 06, 2007

My favorite book

Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is my favorite book. I am reading it the third time this year. The book somehow is always on my mind, and I just keep coming back to it. The book is not about motorcycles at all, it is about the philosophical muse on Art, Science, Quality, and the relationships among them. A very 'inward' book, a perfect match to me.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The freestyle stroke

My attitude toward those fairy tales, by now, is clear, and I do not intend to keep telling those stories. Instead, I want to share something useful, thoughtful and interesting with my sons.

Since Anbo is really interested in swimming, so I borrowed a few books about it. What we read tonight is "DK Superguides Swimming", by Rick Cross. While Anbo enjoyed the pictures in the book, I read aloud to him. Occasionally, he stopped me and asked a few questions. I answered them one by one, and then resumed reading to him. He liked this way of reading. Me, too.

This way of reading not only broadens his view, but also helps me knowing more. Tonight, I finally solved a puzzle which has been haunting me for couple of decades. The puzzle is about swimming strokes. In Chinese, we call one particular stroke, in which the swimmer uses his arms alternatively to propel him through water, as 自由式, meaning the freestyle stroke。In English, the stroke is called 'the crawl'. I was always puzzled by that Chinese name since I was 8. To me, the free style literately means any style I like. If a style is fixed in such a way that the swimming has to use his arms alternatively, it should not be called 'free style'. Then, why is that kind of particular stroke called as 'freestyle' stroke in Chinese? The freestyle stroke is not free at all, isn't it?

The following sentence in the book comes to rescue: "In competition, there is no actual event called the crawl, but it is the most common choice of stroke in the freestyle event." It is clear that 自由式 was a translation mistake. It should be called "爬式“。 自由式 is a competition event name, not a stroke name. As the name suggests, in the freestyle event, you are free to pick your favorite stroke to compete. It just happens that most people choose 'the crawl' stroke since it is the fastest one. Now, everything makes sense to me.



余忆童稚时,独珍笋豆一味。为笋豆,在家则思念终日,在校则霸凌同学。桂君豪,为余小学一年级同桌。一日桂带豆至校,余得始尝,有“人间得尝此味,不枉作人一回“之感。遂令其日日献豆一包,不从,则“骑马打仗”时,著意痛击,此后,吾日日尝豆。桂转校,豆遂断。此事,不独父母不知,老师亦不知。余幼时,实乃一竖子。 及长,立意收痞气,无奈痞气天成,至今仍隐约浮现。

Friday, November 30, 2007


物价高涨,形同减薪; 日头赤焱焱,随人顾性命!(台语)
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  • 不吃:凡冠了“可爱”,“小”,“可怕”,他都不吃,如:老鼠,猫,猪,鸟,老虎,乌龟,兔,火鸡,金鱼,蛇,毛毛虫,蜘蛛。唯一的例外是“可怕的小矮人”。他吃“可怕的小矮人”;不吃“可爱的小矮人”。也不吃虎头,猪头。
  • : 把完整的东西拆解成零部件,他吃某些“部位”:老虎尾巴, 狐狸尾巴,猪肠,猪脚,鸡脚。唯一愿意吃的完整东西是“可怕的小矮人”。

Friday, November 23, 2007




Friday, November 16, 2007

Ruthless, bloody and foolish fairy tales

This may surprise you, but it is true--most fairy tales are ruthless and bloody; they convey wrong values. The purpose of the stories is to scare a kid to a death rather than to soothe him on bed.

Recently, Anbo and I listened to several fairy tales together. Unfortunately, some of them are very bloody; some foolish; some very wrong:

In the story of the "little red hat", the belly of the wolf was cut open and filled with stones. Finally, the wolf was drown in the river. Surely, it is bloody.

In the story of "glass mountain", the little girl set off to a journey to look for her seven brothers, who were cursed into ravens by their father. The girl found her brother in a glass mountain. The girl has to cut off one of her finger as a key to open the gate. Yes, it is bloody. Inside the mountain, the servant told the girl that her brothers were out and not back yet. The girl then ate the seven dishes on the table. The story is not only bloody but strange: apparently, her brothers live very well; they even have a servant.

Here is a very dumb one: a kind girl met different kinds of beggars in a journey. She gave out what she owns. Eventually, she owned nothing and became even naked herself. The stars in the sky fall down and became her clothing and her fortune. This girl surely is a fool and the story conveys a very wrong idea--believing in a miracle.

You can disagree with me about the previous story; but I am sure that you will agree with me with this one--Frog Prince. In the story, a princess had a frog. The princess treated it very bad for its ugliness. Somehow, the frog transformed into a human form and became a handsome princess. Immediately, the princess and the prince fall into love and had good lives afterwards. What lesson can you learn from this story? Judge a thing by its surface?

However, my comment toward these tales madded Anbo. He disked me calling these stories foolish.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Many Koreans I know are Christians. Why?

This fact has been puzzling me for many years--many Koreans I know are Christians--but why?

Christian, surpassing other religions, is now the dominating religion in Korea; more than 70% Koreans are Christians and the number is rapidly increasing. Considering Korea is a Asia country and Christian was never one of traditional Asia religions, this fact becomes a surprise.

One has to look into history for answers. In geology, Korea is a small country between China and Japan. In history, invadesions from Japan and from China have never been stopped. Along with invades, both Chinese and Japanese cultures influenced Korea heavily. After World War II, Korea wanted to be independent from China and from Japan especially in culture. Having a 'national religion' that is different from Chinese's Buddhism and from Japanese's Shintoism became urgent. Christian is the result of that decision.

Normally, people tend to regard personal religion choices as private matters. In fact, it is not true. From the example above, we see that how a national policy could drive a personal decision. To be a truly independent person is not easy. One has to be both brave and wise to cope with peer pressures.

Monday, November 12, 2007

To read or to travel

I like to read; I like to travel. Reading leads my imagination to the places where, by nature, are not suitable for an ordinary visitor; traveling sharpens my feeling about the places where I only read about.

I would like to read about the stories of a Congo expedition, but would not like to be part of the expedition team; I would like to travel to Paris and to enjoy authentic French cuisines there rather than to stay at home and to mouthwateringly look at French cuisine photos in the book! This is my attitude toward reading and traveling.

Friday, November 02, 2007


安白的学校昨天举办家长会,放假一天。我请了半天假带小孩。天朗气清,安白与我都想出去走走。安白提议去山上打老虎, 于是安白带上他的打虎棍,我俩驱车到附近的Seneca Creek State Park.


这小子才能显然不在文学上。我记得世说新语上一则谢安问白雪纷纷何所似的故事。一侄答曰“空中洒盐差可拟“;另一侄女答曰“未若柳絮因风起“。文采上,侄女胜于侄儿。沈复幼时也把夏天的蚊子比作群鹤舞空。 彼等皆于年幼时已展现化现实为浪漫的文才,我家的小子倒是化浪漫为实际,而且太实际了吧。

Thursday, October 18, 2007

A short trip to see dinosaurs' old bones

Last Saturday, we took Anbo and Anmo to see dinosaur fossils in the Museum of Natural History. This trip was special since Anbo himself planed this weekend activity. Wenlei and I were just drivers and guardians. Anbo was very interested in seeing those old bones. He had lots of questions. (Well, I have to admit that I can't answer most of the questions because they are either too silly or too difficult.) I plan to borrow few books about Dinosaurs from the local library. It also might be a good time now to tell the story of Jurassic Park to Anbo.

After visiting the museum, we wandered on the national mall. There was an annual Solar Decathlon. Many small but stylish solar-powered houses were built on the mall for the competition. The goal is to use just solar power to support a typical family in a single house. I really hope that one day these solar technologies would become cheap enough to use in our daily lives. I was very interested in this kind of things, unfortunately, we were too late. The public demonstration was close after 5:00 pm.

Anmo also had a happy time, but in a different way. He did not enjoy too much about old bones, but was very interested in playing pebbles on the national mall.

I made a wrong decision about our dinner. I took them to Bob's 88 for dinner. Since kids were very tired, they became cranky. We eventually had to leave the restaurant in the middle of eating. On the way back home, both of them fell into sleep.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


将炒锅洗净擦干,放几片姜片在锅里干炒 了一下,以免粘锅。拿出姜片,倒油炼熟;倒入洗净切好的鸭块,反复炒动,盖上锅盖让它焖上一会,直到生鸭块褪去血色,可得把握好别把鸭快炒黑了哦。然后倒 啤酒锅中,可别小气你的啤酒,倒多少好呢?我一般是把一瓶啤酒全倒进去。把火调小;好了,现在 可以慢慢放入如下调料:盐、糖、桂皮、八角、陈醋、老抽、干辣椒、姜丝,量之多少以适量为准。用锅铲把它们翻动一下,盖上锅盖,让 啤酒慢慢燃烧吧。一般在这种小火的情况下,您必须得耐心地等上30-40分钟的光阴,毕竟鸭子这东西要熟烂点才好吃;其实这个等待的过程是很惬意的,想想 看,啤酒在炒锅中的香味和那些作料的香味复合在一起该有多么的香啊。待啤酒快烧干的时候放蒜、炒几下,然后再放些红辣椒油和水淀粉,最后放上味精翻炒,别 忘了倒点水.


Monday, October 01, 2007

J. M. W. Turner

The National Museum of Art is showing J. M. W Turner's masterpieces. This article on economist provides some background information.

Monday, August 13, 2007


·廖 康·

要想说服人,最重要的方法是运用逻辑。人是理性的动物,再蠢笨的人,只要神经正常,也会讲理。你要是心平气和地讲理,人们通常都会听,都可能被你说服。可 你一旦进行人身攻击,哪怕是间接的,哪怕仅仅露出一点讥讽或蔑视,闻者感情的体液就可能涌起,淹没理智的通路,拒绝接受你的观点了。就算你即将口吐莲花, 人家也不愿意听了。书写的文字更容易产生误解;由于没有语音语调、表情手势来帮助你表达,玩笑可能读不懂,调侃可能被当真,善意可能被当成恶意。善意尚且 如此,恶意就更不用说了。所以,论说文一定要对事不对人。这个原则在西方传统悠久,概念普及,他们至今仍沿用拉丁语Ad Hominem来表明这种谬误。 如果老师在您孩子的作业本上写下这字样,您可不要紧张,那不是说您的孩子可能有同性恋倾向,而是指其论点“对人”了,要改过。攻击人的形式除了直接和间接 指责别人以外,还有一种也较常见,那就是翻老账,说别人以前曾经说过与现在的观点相反的话,拉丁文是Ad Hominem Tu Quoque(你也 曾)。下面我就一一举例,详细说明这些谬误。

不用说,骂人话绝对不应出现在论说文里。辱骂根本不是战斗,也不是论说。有些话,像洋奴啊,数典忘祖啊,什么什么党的走狗啊,言者可能认 为并不是辱骂,而是陈述事实。这种词语用在征讨檄文里可以,用在论说文里就不恰当了。毕竟,你不是要图一时笔头痛快,你是要想说服人家,也就是把读者看作 你可以争取的潜在同盟,当然要尊重对方了。如果对方真是洋奴、走狗之流,你就根本不应该跟他们浪费笔墨。

更常见的对人不恭是间接显现于字里行间的,比如:“这也值得大惊小怪吗?在……书中,古人早已说过……”或者:“你怎么连这个都不知 道……”这种话的言外之意就是说别人孤陋寡闻、学问欠缺。世界上的事情如恒河沙数,知识更是无穷无尽。近百年来,知识爆炸,任何人若想一直走在本行业前 沿,都必须终生不断努力学习,文艺复兴时期达芬奇那类百科全书式的人物已经不可能再出现了。谁都可能有未查不晓之事,即便是普通常识,也有遗忘疏漏之时。 你看到了,指出来就是了。千万不要加上那句多余的话。别人大度还好,越是碰到见识少,学问小的人,也许就是你希望通过自己的文章说服的人,越是可能因为你 那句不尊重人的话离你而去。

有一种逻辑谬误是把人化入事中,把人等同于事。在谈到堕胎问题时,常听到有人这样说:“他当然反对堕胎了,他是牧师嘛!”而对他提出的反 堕胎理由,无论多么有科学依据,也不置一词。这种不屑一顾的态度就等于说,神职人员的看法都是出于信仰,与科学无关,不值得辩论。宗教的确不在论说的范围 之内,这一点我在下一篇里会详细探讨,但是你不应该因为人家是牧师,就不看他的具体论点了,就想当然地以为人家不讲逻辑,不讲科学。同理,也不应该这样说 一个妓女、小偷、犯过罪的人,或什么党员。根本就不应该提人家是干什么的,有理就说理好了。

最后一种“对人”的辩论法比较有欺骗性,也是我们在教学中要花力气讲述的,那往往是以“你也曾”开头的。有一种记忆力特别不应提倡,那就 是专门记忆别人的过错或别人以前某种观点的能力,用在翻老账中。两口子吵架,经常会说这种话:“你以前还……你不是说……你也曾……”记忆是有选择性的, 往往是对自己有利的就记住了,引用时也不顾当时的背景。很可能他们早已忘记当时是怎么回事了,却只管当下痛快淋漓。写论说文可不能沦落到夫妻吵架的地步, 辨理就是辨现在谈论的道理。不要提以前的事。以前有以前的情况,时空交错的那个点不可能再回去了,提它做甚?再改编一句名言:“我以前的看法只代表我当时 的观点……”也就是说,我现在完全可以有不同的看法。你翻我一年前的老账和提我小时候撒尿和泥那会儿说的傻话并没有本质差别。你说我的观点前后不一致,可 世界上有几个人的看法是终生一致的?

当然,这里讨论的都是关于正式论说文的一般情况。在网上一来一往的短帖子不在此内;讨伐檄文,匕首投枪一类的杂文也不在此类。那些文体的 目的在于表明一种观点,或指责一种观点,只求赞同者读了痛快,反对者读了恼火,并不期待读者看完文章后就接受作者的观点。他们尽可以痛快淋漓地宣讲、嘲 笑、反讽、指责。其效果往往可以为论说文做反证。而且,如果受到你反驳的一方是变色龙,总是彼一时,此一时地为自己的利益改变原则,那你当然要指出这种行 为模式。这并不同于一时一事地翻老账。



□ 寄自美国


·廖 康·

一说到固定的结构,就会引起两类人皱眉。一类是非常富于创造性,不肯墨守成规的人。另一类是不善于组织安排,不擅长逻辑思维 者。前者一看到成语谚语,可能都会皱眉头。您再跟他们说,要按照固定的格式写文章,他们就更受不了。可是别忘了,论说文的主要目的是论理,说服人,而不仅 是为了产生阅读愉悦。有时候,认识真理甚至是一个痛苦的过程。论说文也不同于抒情散文、议政杂文以及纯粹美文。那些文章的主要目的是抒发情绪,针砭时事, 营造美感,都需要在形式上标新立异才能实现。论说文不是不能花样翻新,但那最好留给大手笔去做。通常,你要想写好项目建议,说明怎样做有什么益处,或是要 论证某事有什么害处,或是比较两个东西的优劣,或是总结一项工作的成果,或是论述某个工程的可行性,或是讲明一个案由及其后果,等等,只要你按照起、承、 转、合的结构来写,至少会写得层次分明,让读者轻而易举地跟着你的思路走,从而可能实现你的目的。

至于第二类人,由于不善于有条不紊 地思维,让他们按照任何格式写文章都如同赶鸭子上架,所以他们也要反对。但写论说文的过程正是帮助他们理顺自己思想的过程。多写几次,就会发现自己的头脑 清晰了,思路通顺了,逻辑增强了。您要是问我怎么会有这把握,坦率地说,我就属于后者。我就是通过学习、教授写论说文,提高了自己的逻辑思维能力。下面, 我就以“恢复死刑之错误”、“戒烟之必要”和“比较两部影片”为题来谈谈这些论说文的结构一般都怎么安排。

讨论“恢复死刑之错误”并 令人信服是相当困难的。首先,我要改编一句名言作为我的声明:“我提到的论点不一定代表我的观点,而只是为了在此讨论的方便。”开篇时,千万别以为读者对 美国近百年来有关死刑的情况都很了解,你需要做简单介绍。要让大家知道在美国死刑曾经多么普遍易行,要介绍上世纪初流行的决定论和一些著名律师对取消死刑 所产生的影响,以及近年来许多州恢复死刑的情况。然后,要旗帜鲜明地说出你的主题,比如:死刑不能阻止杀人,不是伸张正义,有害无利,总会发生冤案,而且 花费太大。




四) 如果有人说终身监禁花费太多,那你一定不能放过这个机会教育读者。首先,你可以说人命本不能以金钱来计算,但即便考虑费用,实际情况也和为此而赞成死刑者 的设想相反。监禁一年最多花费四万美元,终生监禁者的平均狱龄是十五年。但是死刑犯可以多次上诉,每次都要花费纳税人几十万,甚至上百万美元,几次加起来 的总费用要远远高于终身监禁的花费。在此,你要拿出准确数字,来源一定要可靠,我给的数字仅仅是记忆中的例子。

四段承托完毕,在结尾 前别忘记还要“转”。其必要性在于,无论你多么有理,也要考虑对方的理由。对方最好的理由大概就是死刑能够一劳永逸地防止杀人犯再次行凶,因为杀人犯越狱 或获释后再次杀人的可能性还是有的。肯定了这一可能性后,重要的是,你一定要反驳。你又可以用数字表明再次杀人的可能性有多么小,比冤枉无辜的可能性要小 得多,我们不该因小失大。最后,你还要回到你自己的观点上来,用不同的话来重申你反对死刑的这四条理由,让读者眼睛离开了你的文章,脑子还记着你的话。

与此相似,论说“戒烟之必要”也就是论说吸烟的害处。简断截说,你首先要介绍烟草消费的现状,让读者重视这个问题。然后提出主题,比如: 使用烟草会增加患病的可能性,会影响间接吸烟者的健康,会加重消费负担,会引起火灾等。显然,第一个论点最重要,可以按照你要谈论的各种病症分为数段;每 段谈论吸烟对一种病的不利影响,要利用翔实的数据来说明其危害程度。

当然,有的人会说,身体是我自己的,我愿意怎么糟蹋,你操什么心 呢?所以,你要另写一段,专门讨论间接吸烟的害处,尤其是婴儿所受之害。也要找数字来支持你的论点。而且,讲一两个生动的实例也会有帮助的。论说文主要是 说理,但对那些不那么理性的读者,情更容易更打动他们。

与健康相比,有的人可能更在乎金钱,所以你也要替他们算算吸烟的费用。一天一 包好像没多少钱,乘以岁月就不得了。一年就烧掉一台高级彩电呀!烧钱还算好的呢,有的人反正有的是钱,不吝惜。可吸烟还可能烧房子、烧人呢!这一段要是没 有数据,你描述个实例就行了。不用说,那怕只烧死了一个人也不应该。有的学生还建议讨论吸烟带来的环境污染以及扔烟头造成的不卫生。我劝他们不必画蛇添足 了。

然而,也不要匆匆结尾,还要转一下。你可以说你理解很多人吸烟是出于习惯,是为了刺激,是帮助减肥,等等。可转也不要转大发了, 转到对立面回不来,你可就前功尽弃了。你要强调人的意志力,那是人与其它动物的差别之一;还要建议一些又刺激,又无害的替代活动,以及比吸烟更有效的减肥 手段。最后,把吸烟的各种害处和这点小小的刺激再比较一下,这样收尾,读者才可能牢牢记住你的论点。当然,他们不见得真地会因为读了你的文章就戒烟。正如 马克·吐温所说:“戒烟太容易了,我都戒了一千回了。”这不能证明你的文章弱,而是人的弱点太强了。

以上两个例子很相似,但另外一种 论说文,即通过比较来说明问题的文章,在结构上需要更加仔细。千万不要东一榔头、西一棒子地乱比。或者采用ABCD—abcd的比法,或者采用A-a,B -b,C-c,D-d的比法。如果每一项相比的内容不多,可用第一种比法。例如比较两辆汽车,你可以先说一辆的性能、外观、价格、可靠性;然后再说另一辆 的性能、外观、价格、可靠性。如果每一项相比的内容很多,用第二种比法也许会清楚些。就拿从同样的小说和话剧改编的两部影片为例吧,你想比较它们的故事改 编、演员分派、表演、导演和蒙太奇,讨论孰优孰劣;每一部分你都有不少话要说,那还是分头一项项比较才容易让读者看清你的观点。

我在 比较《法尔芒》Valmont和《致命恋情》Dangerous Liaisons这两部电影时,就采用了第二种比法。开篇后,我写了三段,谈《法尔芒》 改编之妙,随后一段谈《致命恋情》改编的问题。由这种改编,我设想它也许和演员分派有关。于是,后两段比较两部影片中哪些演员选派得适合他们的角色。接下 来两段又结合演员分派进一步讨论了故事改编。接着两段比较两部电影的表演和导演,结尾前的两段比较其蒙太奇用法的优劣。我拿这篇文章来做说明,不是自夸, 仅仅是为了方便查阅。这篇的结构并不太好,转得太少,不明显。《致命恋情》还有些明显的长处我没有提,可能会让人觉得我太偏爱《法尔芒》了。

当 然,依照这种结构写论说文,只是通常的做法,是大学里教本科生写作的基本套路。有个学生问我,写情书用这种格式会不会有效?我说:陷于情网的人,智力大约 都处于最低点,你去跟她起、承、转、合地论理,她才没耐心看呢!你得写雪莱那种《爱的哲学》一类的诗歌,“你看那山峰吻着苍穹,波涛互相偎依……”用那种 浪漫的词语打动情感才管用。而且,成熟的作家,即便是写论说文,也可能别出心裁,根据议题和自己的经验、秉性、长处,随心所欲地发挥,写出更精彩的论文。 在我们到达那个水平之前,老老实实地采用被实践证明的有效结构--即明确的起、有力的承、巧妙的转、令人信服的合,至少能够保证你写出条理清晰的论说文。


·廖 康·

论说文写作是美国大学本科的必修课。我们这游学移民的第一代,多数人都是直接来读研究生,其中多数又是理工科,对论说文这门 课未必很了解。如今,子女要上大学了,很多家长在写作这方面对儿女爱莫能助。其实,我们自己在工作中也少不了要写论说文性质的东西,但很多人觉得自己的英 语说还说不利落呢,遑论写作。他们错就错在这里。改进英语写作比增进听说能力容易多了。除了个别语言天才以外,要想说一口流利的英语,甚至连口音都没有, 那一定要在变声以前就开始学。如果错过了时机,还不如把时间用在改进写作上。说英语,只要发音基本准确就行了,自然大方地说,别图快,也不必追求那惟妙惟 肖的语音语调;那不仅做不到,而且可能因刻意模仿抑扬顿挫的朗读腔调,说起话来像念书,反而让人觉得别扭。其实,有点口音,还可能是你的语言魅力呢。但如 果你的工作报告写得好;提建议条理清楚,层次分明;讲道理具有说服力,不张扬;得结论水到渠成,珠联璧合;那么,上级和同事就会认为你的语言能力强,对你 另眼相看。其实,这并非艰难任务,大学本科的论说文写作教的就是这本事。我一老中,也教过三年英文写作课。这并不是什么值得吹嘘的事;教授们最不爱教的就 是写作课,往往扔给助教来干。但论说文恰恰是英语系提供全校最实用的一门课。可惜,很多学生当时看不到它的价值,又看不起助教,没有认真学。工作后,方才 明白,再来补课。为此,我将写几篇小文,介绍一下论说文写作的结构和论说中需要避免的常见毛病和逻辑错误。首先,我要谈谈结构的必要,以及主题呈现和起承 转合的写作手法。

我们都知道“文无定法”,就是说文学创作没有固定的格式和套路,要花样翻新,才有美感;与之相反,论说文的写法是有 一定之规的,以便读者迅速便捷地了解你的观点,轻而易举地跟上你的逻辑,清晰无误地明白你的例证,心悦诚服地接受你的结论。论说文的目的与诗歌、小说等有 所不同,不是为了抒情言志,不是为了营造美感,不是为了悦己怡人。当然,若能捎带产生这些作用就更好了,但论说文的主要目的是阐述观点,说服读者。无数实 践证明,要想实现这一目的,遵照下面要讲明的格式就能够写好。至少在美国的学术界,无论导师,还是其他读者,都期待论文基本依照这传统格式来写,他们也是 照着这格式来读。如果你写得不合规范,人家在阅读中就感到吃力。除非你是大手笔,有意破格,立异标新,否则你的文章就不入法眼。

这个 格式对中国人来说,其实并不新鲜,就是我们熟知的“起、承、转、合”。你可能会说,那不就是我们批评、嘲笑的八股文的套路吗?确实,这格式与八股文不乏相 似之处。但首先,我要为八股文说句公道话。许多人连八股文究竟是什么都不知道,就跟着批评、嘲笑,这是不公道的。八股文这种考试形式其实非常实用,为公 平、简易地评判作文设立统一的规范,使考官能够有效的进行大致不差的评判;也给文章套上同样的笼头和镣铐,看谁能够在其中施展才华,发挥出自己的最高水 平。批评它容易,建立起更好的形式就难了。至今,我们也没有发展出更好的评判论说文的规范。作文考试的评判基本上是凭考官的好恶,远不如八股文客观公允。 好在我们还有其它一些形式的考试,比如大家熟悉的“数项择一”multiple-choice,但那只能考理解,难以考创作和论说能力。

现 代论说文的“起、承、转、合”,简单说来,就是要在第一段快结尾处道出文章要论述的主题;在随后数段中发展、支持你的观点;最后还要提到相反的理由和可能 性,再得出令人信服的结论,也就是开篇提出的主题。之所以把“起”放在开篇一段的结尾处,是因为你首先需要介绍将要讨论的问题或已经存在的观点。吸引住读 者的注意力后,让他们明白问题的意义了,再提出自己的看法。随后,废话少说,而马上就要一条条论证了。所以主题通常是第一段的最后一句。比如本文的“我要 谈谈结构的必要,以及主题呈现和起承转合的写作手法。”读者自然会期待你遵循次序,谈论该“必要”和“主题呈现”及“起承转合”。

“承” 在现代论说文中就是运用逻辑来说理,并提供证据和数字来支持你的观点。所需注意的是,在每段第一句,最好点明你要展开的论点,以便读者明白你在本段要完成 什么任务。有时,读者对该论点很清楚,看了首句就知道你这段要讲什么,可能会跳过去,看下一个论点。你的论说文如果没有按照这传统方法行文,读者就不得不 放慢速度,仔细阅读,反复阅读,才能明白你的观点。你不应期待你的读者都像你母亲那么耐心,都像你太太那么爱你,都像你学生那么崇拜你。有一段论说得不清 楚,人家就可能不想再读了,更别想说服人家了。论说文也不应像侦探小说那样扑朔迷离,不应像初恋情人那样羞涩含蓄,不应像外交辞令那样模棱两可。你须要明 明白白地告诉读者你的看法,确确实实地论证每一个观点,肯肯定定地传达文章的信息。本文介绍的结构是实现这目标的有效写法。

话又说回 来了,规矩是给凡人定的,大师总是要打破规矩。那些流芳百世的锦绣文章中不乏论说文,但你要想从中找出固定的结构和写作的金科玉律,大概会徒劳无功。天才 总是天马行空,我行我素,即便是奔跑在古老的驿道上,也会踏出一路金花。他们以其各自不同的特殊方式表述自己体验到的真理,或直接了当地说出至理名言,凿 凿确确,彪炳千秋;或循循善诱,曲径通幽,引人走过各种迷宫陷阱,最终来到光明的彼岸。平庸我辈,只感到心智贴近了神明,恍惚中怡然似有所得。但回首望 去,峰回路转,雾掩云遮,早已忘言。

我们毕竟是凡人。大师在上,我们只能高山仰止,心向往之,却无法模仿。许多艺术家都说过“学我者 死”之类的话,意思是说:步他们后尘,不会有出息,更不会超越他们。论说文大师的绝佳写法更难以重复,我们这些平凡的教书匠自己还写不了那么好呢,如何教 得?但学生还是要学呀,大音希声、大象无形,大方无隅,神龙见首不见尾,根本无从学起。我们只得退而求其次,比照着通常成功的写法行文;即如上所说,把主 题写明,一段段发展、论证,提及相反的理由和可能性,再做总结,加强开篇所言之主题。短小的文章这样写,长篇大论,如硕士、博士论文也不例外,只是可能需 要把开篇的一段发展为一章,详细说明问题所在,前人有何论述,有何不妥;把一句话的主题发展为一段,讲明自己的看法;把一段论述发展为一章,逐一阐明自己 看法中的每一个观点。无疑,“承”是最主要的,你要花大力气做研究,运用严密的逻辑,翔实的论据、精确的数字详细论证你的观点。不能像本文这样,随便说说 了事。不过,读者若想看个短文的实例,不用远行,本文也可以用来作参考。(第一段最后一句是起;随后四段是承,倒数最后一段是转,本段是合)虽然其承托较 弱,通过拙文看文章结构,但愿也差强人意。希望大家察看后会欣喜地说:这个不难,我也做得来。

□ 寄自美国

Thursday, August 09, 2007


廖 康·

美国公路发达,开车可以到达几乎任何地方。然而,有谁去过身边的村庄、小镇?附近的山林、水湾?不是开车不能去,而是嫌道路太 窄,名声不大。于是,我们舍近求远,宁愿开几个小时的车,到一所谓游览胜地和其他不远百里而来的众多游客挤到一处观看大同小异的景点,咀嚼千篇一律的饭 食,也不肯惠顾附近的山水和人家,对周边的美景简直一无所知,犹如灯下黑。为此,我们大多数人的运载工具也许要负一半责任。骑摩托就不同了:摩托车就像 马,似乎有自己的意识,它要带你去人烟稀少的地方,它会载你到遗世独立的境界,它总是给你意想不到的惊喜。

我读书的山城脚下有条河,没听 说沿河有什么风景名胜。一个初春的周末,我跨上摩托,信马由缰,本想去远处转转。但两次跨过这条弯曲的小河后,便对它产生了好奇心。河水清澈见底,鹅卵石 和大块的岩石布满河床,两岸绿树逐渐浓密,河水流动得时缓时急;这里是平静而略带漩涡的水流,那里翻起簇簇雪白的浪花。沿河有一条窄窄的小路,稀疏地坐落 着一些破旧的房屋,看不出是住家还是作坊。如果开轿车,单是这小路和破屋就足以令人却步。摩托车却受其吸引,掉头下了公路,带着我溯流而上。

不 一会儿,小路就变成沙砾土路,仿佛有意让我减速,以便欣赏岸边越来越美丽的风景。小河时宽时窄,但总地来说是越来越细,水愈显明澈。渐渐地,它称不上河 了,而更像一条大溪;离土路时远时近,但总在视线之内。溪岸青草萋萋,很多大石块上覆盖着绿苔,似乎久无人迹。溪水清浅,偶见有人提裙而涉。空气中弥漫着 泥土和草木的清香,我掀开头盔上的脸罩,大口大口地吞噬这新鲜空气。婉转的鸟鸣和汩汩的溪流声也跟着涌入头盔;我索性把它摘下,充分享受这田野的气味和动 听的天籁。

房屋越来越稀疏,路越来越窄,基本上就是一车之宽,有的路段被灌木和杂草夹束得如此之窄,要是雨后轿车开来,简直就是在通过洗 车道。隔不远,路边就有一个小弯,供错车或掉头。有的路段两旁的枝叶搭过来,拉起手,形成绿色的拱洞,其高度,我估计,也就是刚够当地人过卡车。开了这么 久,也不见农田,这儿的人大概以放牧为生。

路旁凡有人家处,都有两条小径;一条通往左边的小屋,一条通往右边的大溪。我见到一处风景格外 幽静,便右拐,来到溪畔。这儿有株大树,看样子年纪至少上百了;树干斑斑、枝杈荣荣、华盖森森。我在树下青石上盘腿而坐,看溪水潆洄,听流莺鸣唱;似乎明 白了出家修行的老道为什么能够清心寡欲,留恋山林。我也试图打坐入定,但毕竟凡心未了,定未入成,却眯了一觉,醒来又蠢蠢欲动。从青石上一跃而下,掬起一 捧溪水洗洗脸,留下孙猴的印记,又上路了。

说什么九溪十八涧,峰回路转,那比得上我这一路百转千洄,曲径通幽。最堪胜出之处乃是其十足的 原生状态。即使偶有人家,房屋也一律褐色,与树干相差无几,仿佛长在林中。沿着大溪美景无数,要是在中国,那些大石头上还不得写满了骚人墨客的红漆烂字? 当他们自以为给天地增添了人文景观时,殊不知恰恰捣毁了自然之美;犹如一个小姑娘好端端的脸蛋,偏偏抹上了浓妆重彩,原本清澈的眸子却让黑兰的眼墨喧宾夺 主了。

也不知走了多久,才觉得腹中呼唤。我虽然带有干粮,还是希望能够吃到热饭。心中方有所思,眼前就出现一个小小的加油站,只有一个简 易的油泵,加油站褐色的小木屋因没有树木遮挡而晒得有些发白。站长灰白的胡子杂乱无章,裹着一张布满皱纹的老脸,让我想到罗中立的油画《父亲》。他耳朵上 也夹着一支圆珠笔,但是没有头巾,浓密的灰发飞扬跋扈,有点像爱因斯坦。我问他有什么热的东西可吃,他说有haggis,但是需要一个来小时才能做好。

我 闻言,大喜过望。当年在苏格兰留学欢度“彭斯之夜”时,我吃过这玩意儿;那是把羊的心、肝剁碎和洋葱、燕麦混在一起,加上板油和佐料,包在羊胃里炖制而 成。听上去这吃食相当土气,但味道特殊,有嚼头;有人讨厌,有人喜爱,我属于后者。而且我一向喜欢尝鲜,无论榴莲,还是这“亥吉斯”,什么怪味都能接受。 美国的食品检查非常严格,很少见到什么各色的食品。我万万没想到能在这山乡里碰到会做苏格兰特产之人!他这小站碰巧还有我喜爱的黑啤酒,于是,我一边喝 酒,一边跟站长聊天,等着他女儿现做。

她是个十五、六岁的小丫头,穿着件白底蓝色碎花的小褂,倒也与她那一脸小雀子相配。开始我并没有注 意她,但忙过一阵之后,她便坐在一旁,一双麋鹿般褐色的大眼睛盯着我们,一声不响地听我们谈话。她家祖上还真是从苏格兰来的。我在苏格兰的经历是一生中最 美好的两年;那时无忧无虑,时不时就去高地游玩,充分领略了苏格兰人的热情友好。如果说美国人与你见面熟,回头忘;英国人不易交友,而一旦与你结交,便可 能终生为友;苏格兰人与你则是见面熟,并很可能成为终生朋友。直至今天,我还与当年在澳克兰岛一面之交的摄影师每年一信呢。这位居美两代的站长似乎古风犹 存,说起苏格兰,我们一见如故。

其实他只去过一次苏格兰,呆了三个月。不知怎的,故土有股奇怪的吸引力,让他差一点决定返迁回去。在那里 游览访旧时,他妻子怀孕了,后来还是回到美国生下了这妮子,Bonnie,他指了指女儿。这时我注意到,她在那么专注地听我们谈话,浓密上翘的睫毛下那双 眼睛里有些迷茫的神色,也许是憧憬。我们谈到的那些地方和景观,什么赫布里奇群岛的岩洞,尼斯湖的怪兽,罗梦湖的仙境,爱丁堡的壮观,等等,也许让这个乡 下女子着迷了。我知道,这个山民之州十分闭塞。别说这小山村了,就连我们班念硕士的同学中还有连匹兹堡都没有去过的人呢!那不过在两小时车程以外啊。


还 真是这样,把煳掉的那一小块切掉,里面透出一股焦香,别有风味。我也饿了,大块朵颐,转眼便吃了个精光。偶一抬头,见Bonnie正盯着我,大概没见过这 种贪婪的吃相吧?可她倒脸红了,好像觉得这样盯看客人不礼貌,就走开了。老站长说他这是第一次见到喜欢吃亥吉斯的中国人。我说中国跟苏格兰有不少相似之 处,我们都比较穷,因此什么都吃,自然也要想办法把不那么好吃的东西做好吃了。老站长很高兴,自豪地说他做亥吉斯的诀窍是添加一点Glenfiddich 牌的威士忌,那是用单独一种麦芽酿的酒,用别的酒味道就不同。我说你把诀窍告诉我了,不怕我跟你竞争吗?他狡黠地挤了挤眼,说他还有一道配料没告诉我呢。 那一刻我感到,他也许没有看上去那么老。

吃完饭,老站长竟然不要我付账,说他很久没有跟谁聊得这么投机了,我是他的客人,不是顾客。我知 道硬要付钱会伤他一片好心,搜了一下身上,只有佩戴的一个小小的玉石项链还拿得出手,便摘下来给他,说送给她女儿,好歹这是来自中国的工艺品。老人也不推 辞,接过来,转手交给女儿。她拿在手里端详着,小脸红扑扑的,若不是老人提醒,几乎忘了道谢。

两年后,我的学业结束了。临走前,我再次去 那山乡,又到那加油站吃午饭。溪流还是那么清澈明亮,草木还是那么郁郁葱葱,但没有见到Bonnie。她老爹亲手给我做亥吉斯,并告诉我,女儿不甘心在那 小山乡蜗居,竟然考上了爱丁堡大学,去苏格兰留学了。我们东一句,西一句地聊着,虽然还是那么投机,却少了些热烈。老站长没有忘记炖在炉子上的亥吉斯,这 次没有烧煳,自然也没有那焦香了。



Friday, August 03, 2007

中國公布新規定 日後西藏活佛轉世須申請

中國公布新規定 日後西藏活佛轉世須申請

There is a dilemma in this rule.
  1. If the reincarnation can be ruled, then it implies that the so-called reincarnation is a lie. However, the reincarnation is the base of Tibet religion. The rule overthrows Tibet's religion, therefore rule has to fail.
  2. If the reincarnation can NOT be ruled, then this rule is useless.
This is a rude policy. However, I am wondering the reason of making this rule. What is the purpose?

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Happy Birthday to my Dear Wenlei


我谢谢你给家里带来温暖及希望。“You are my sun shine" is true to me. Without you, it is like I am casted to the farthest planet in the solar system. Darkness, sadness and me are the only three residents on that planet.

我谢谢你带来一双可爱的孩子。 观察他们,照顾他们,亲近他们,同他们玩,同他们一起成长,很有意思。我承认我更多地偏重在“一同玩乐”上,我以后改进。

我喜欢你的勇敢。我喜欢你的纯孝。我喜欢你的认真。我喜欢你的天真。我喜欢你的可爱。我喜欢同你在一起。 不管你愿不愿意,我是赖定你了。就当三个拖油瓶,跟你走天涯吧, 至少,我们仨,每年都会祝你生日快乐!

Thursday, July 19, 2007




                ·廖 康·














不要以为马慧元是随意地表达直觉,她的猜测其实是在核查了乐谱年代之后才写出来的。也不要以为她事后诸葛亮,“知之为知之,不知为不知。”她的坦诚,在谈论巴赫的d小调第二帕蒂塔(BWV 1004)中最后的恰空曲(chaconne)时表现出来,让我不再为自己常常辨不清主旋而羞愧:



















□ 寄自美国



Saturday, July 14, 2007

Spiderman's standard way of sleeping

Now, we have a little, but very sticky spiderman at home.
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Friday, July 13, 2007


唉, 我烦的很。

Thursday, June 28, 2007




“做人要心胸宽大,与人相处哪有不起冲突?事事计较,日子还过不过?一家人,不容易,是缘分,要珍惜。好了,去吃饭去。“ 在我岳父去世后,每当我想念他时, 这话就在我耳边响起, 仿佛岳父还在世,还在向我说话。 而我常常想起这句话。

那是几年前的事了, 安白刚出生。那天,我为了一些现在也想不起来的事,和我同样脾气鲜明的岳母杠上,我独自正躺在床上生闷气,岳父迈进来,同我说了那些话。

Monday, June 25, 2007


It is quite exciting to surf on the waves of computing revolution. A wave after another wave brought us different ways of exploiting computing technologies. Keeping updates would be a problem, but not mine. I like to learn, anyway.

Virtual collaboration or virtual society is getting real. In early 1990s, there was a sci-fi novel, Snow Crash. In the novel, a metaverse is depicted. Metaverse is not a game, but a society in which people interact one another not physically, but virtually. The point is that everything in the metaverse is represented in 3D as objects in our real world. Now, a system, Second Life, is made based on the concept of metaverse in Snow Crash. Dr. Dobbs, a programming magazine, plans to have a 'hall' or a booth in the Second Life. Like we read the magazine to learn, avatars in the Second Life go there to gain programming knowledge. By the way, avatar is the representation of a user in the Second Life. You, as a user in real, are incarnated as an avatar in the Second Life. Hard to understand? Read Snow Crash or play Second Life.

Sunday, June 24, 2007


I made focaccia bread today. The result is shown below in the photo. Unfortunately, I can't record its taste into the photo. However, you shall be able to imagine how tasty it is if a critic, as picky as Wenlei, said "it tastes so good."
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

艋舺龍山寺 不變台灣情

我好吃,重吃,享受吃, 无日不想吃。记下此篇,以飨自己。来日访台,按图索骥。
艋舺龍山寺 不變台灣情

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


刚刚看完杨澜访问余秋雨和冯骥才,在二者中,我厌恶余,而欣赏冯。两人高下立判,差距如此大,使我讶异。 我对他们的作品,也是维持冯高余低的印象。(我没有读过余的“文化苦旅”,可能“文化苦旅”

在访问中,余秋雨始终给我一种防卫的态度, 这或许是因为他的脸庞些许上扬的缘故。主持人问他是否快乐,他皱着眉回答"越来越快乐“,也让我为之一乐。访问中,“文化”是出现最频繁的词, 但也是最定义不清。闹半天,我还是没明白,文化到底是啥东西,可能是俺没文化之故。

访问冯骥才时,没问他是否快乐,只听他讲如何冒生命危险, 为文革里的小人物立传;如何藏那些传记纸片; 如何纪录民间艺术; 如何卖画挽救周庄; 如何为天津城立传留纪录; 如何为构思一小说的细节而感到兴奋。我明显感到他乐在其中。虽然不提文化一词,我倒是好像有些明白“文化“了。


Sunday, June 17, 2007




殘落的梅萼 瓣瓣在雪裡掩

白的還是那 冷翩翩的飛雪

殘落的梅萼 瓣瓣在雪裡掩

白的還是那 冷翩翩的飛雪

我感到整首词主题并非梅花与雪景,而是那字里行间无可奈何的悲愤。 殷正洋在介绍蒋安的花卉工笔之后演唱, 我感到突兀。

我好奇是谁写的词,为何而写。作词者很容易找,正是徐大诗人。Google“梅雪争春”,答案自然浮现。为何而写,可能难找些。十三龄童不是京剧名角吗?“十三龄童的热血”从何而来? 查找“十三龄童”,也没有头绪,只有他的生平简介--十三龄童生于1933,是绍剧名角。(原来不是京剧) 。可是徐志摩死于1931。可见此十三龄童非彼十三龄童。既有悲愤,就有对象。 民初动荡,惨案连连,莫非与此有关?把”惨案“加入”梅雪争春“一同查找,果然有些头绪--此诗与三一八惨案有关!此诗发表于《诗镌》的“纪念三一八”专号上。再查找“纪念三一八”,一段文字提供了解答--1926年3月18日,段祺瑞枪杀请愿群众,死伤二百余人,连十三岁儿童也惨遭杀戮。诗人悲愤,化而为诗!


Monday, June 04, 2007

Story telling

What can my sons inherit from me? Perhaps lots of stories.

I am glad to see that Anbo developed a habit of making up stories from the toys he played with. He did not just make up stories, but he would make sense out from his stories. For example, if you ask him why the airplane he assembled has a big belly, he would answer that it is a garbage airplane, which collects garbage. It needs a big space for that purpose. If you keep asking: however, would not that big belly affect how the airplane flies? He answered that the airplane is propelled, so it is OK to have a big belly. He would further point out that the airplane features with night-lights, wheels, wings and guns. It is very interesting to see such a little guy reasons.

Not only does he make up stories, but also he seeks for stories from me anytime, anywhere. Sometime, I am out of materials. Nonetheless, I feel telling stories is the best way to implant anything I wish him to learn. I don't care if he can comprehend or not. As long as the stories are interesting, he would remember them. One day, he would comprehend.

Now, I want to systematically perform this story-telling task. The first thing I would like to implant is the Greek and Rome mythology. The stories will come from Edith Hamilton's classic "Mythology". These stories would give a clear picture of what the people were like from whom comes a major part of our spiritual and intellectual inheritance. Since my sons will be raised up in the western society, this is applied to them, too. I will inject the Chinese part into their blood later.


Finally, I watched Amadeus, the movie I have been waiting for since my high school. Both Wenlei and I enjoyed it. I particularly like Salieri's expressive and slightly exaggerating performance.

It is hard to believe that the movie was made in 1984. After two decades, the charm of the film does not fade at all, and the radiant quality of the movie is still dazzling. This movie marks the apex of film art.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Chinese trains | Bullet time |

Chinese trains | Bullet time |

Just read the article in the toilet. The last paragraph, albeit telling the truth, does not make me fell good.

Friday, May 11, 2007


前阵子,大爱台“殷媛小聚“介绍电影“练习曲”。文蕾对于练习曲中的台湾风光,非常有兴趣, 常常向我提起。直到今天,我才在网上得知“练习曲”的梗概。


在交大四年,一共换了四辆车子。每一次都是始于喜滋滋的从新竹市区车店买了自认为划算的靓旧车, 而终于收假回来,在清大车棚遍寻伊车不着,最后只好自认晦气。但是我与每辆爱车短暂肌肤相亲的日子中,有着我俩一同追逐风,追逐太阳的痛快和豪迈: 我时常骑车去南寮鱼港看海; 我闯荡新竹乡间,山中。竹东,關西,新豐,新埔,寶山,新埔 都有我和铁马的身影。有时和三五好友骑, 更多时候是自己孤独的骑。最远骑到桃园石门水库。可惜,我没有骑回板桥家中,也没有环岛, 深引为憾。

我喜欢在地图上选定目标,或是小瀑布;或是一座桥,然后我和我的马子(铁马)一同征服它。理由是没有的,要的只是一个爽。我喜欢从交清小径一溜而下,穿过清华,一路滑行回到博爱校区, 享受穿梭在风中的感觉。 但我最爱逆游而上,死命踩踏板, 与公车比快。 到达光复校区时,酸胀的双腿是我心中唐吉珂德式的骄傲。


Monday, May 07, 2007

Subject-Object dualism

Back to some paragraphs in ZAMM I read in toilet. It examines subject-object relationship.

I think the basic fault that underlies the problem of stuckness is traditional rationality's insistence upon "objectivity," a doctrine that there is a divided reality of subject and object. For true science to take place these must be rigidly separate from each other. "You are the mechanic. There is the motorcycle. You are forever apart from one another. You do this to it. You do that to it. These will be the results."

These eternally dualistic subject-object way of approaching the motorcycle sounds right to us because we are used to it. But it is not right. It has always been an artificial interpretation superimposed on reality. It has never been reality itself. When this duality is completely accepted , a certain non-individual relationship between the mechanic and motorcycle, a craftsman-life feeling for the work, is destroyed. When traditional rationality divides the world into subjects and objects it shuts out Quality, and when are you really stuck, it is Quality, not any subjects or objects, that tells you where you ought to go.

Develop a feeling about the work you are working on. Inject emotions upon it if you could. Love it or hate it. Gradually and slowly, a bud of Quality grows out from the work you work on. Lot of examples, PERL is one.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Kaiser Rolls

Today, I made Kaiser Rolls, and the result was successful. Wenlei immediately finished one and gave me a warm kiss afterwards. No word is needed.

Here is the recipe:

  • Bread Profile:Enriched, standard dough; indirect method; commercial yeast.
  • Days to Make: 2
    • Day 1: 1 1/4 hours for pate fermentee
    • Day 2: 1 hour to de-chill pate fermentee; 10 to 15 minutes kneading; 3 1/2 to 4 hours fermentation, shaping, and proofing; 15 to 30 minutes baking.
  • Commentary: I use knotting roll design, direct dough without malt syrup. It turns out to be just fine. Indirect dough could be more tasty.
The distinguishing characteristic of a kaiser roll is the start pattern on the top and a thin, slightly crisp crust that yields to the first bite and crumbles deliciously in the mouth around whatever sandwich filling it holds.

Ingredients : for making 6 large rolls or 9 small rolls
  • Pate fermentee: 1 1/2 cups
  • Bread flour: 2 1/4 coups
  • Salt: 3/4 teaspoon
  • Malt syrup: 1 1/2 teaspoons
  • Instant yeast: 1 teaspoon
  • Egg: 1 large
  • Oil: 1 1/2 tablespoon
  • Water (lukewarm): 3/4 cup
  1. Take the pate fermentee out of the refrigerator 1 hour before making the dough. Cut it up into about 10 small pieces. Cover it with a towel or plastic wrap and let sit for 1 hour to take off the chill.
  2. Stir together the flour, salt, malt, and yeast in a bowl. Add the pate fermentee, egg, oil and water. Stir for 1 minute, or until the ingredient form a ball. Add water if there is still loose flour.
  3. Lightly dust the counter with flour, transfer the dough to the counter, and begin kneading. Knead for about 10 minute, adding flour, if needed, to make a dough that is soft and supple, tacky but not sticky. The dough should pass the windowpane test. Lightly oil a large bowl and transfer the dough to the bowl, rolling it to coat it with the oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
  4. Ferment at room temperature for 2 hours, or until the dough double in size. If the dough double in size before 2 hours have elapsed, remove it, knead it slightly to degas it, and return it to the bowl to continue fermenting until doubled from original size or until 2 hours have elapsed.
  5. Remove the dough from the bowl and divide it into 6 or 9 rolls. Mist the rounds lightly with spray oil, cover with a towel or plastic wrap, and let the dough relax for 10 minutes.
  6. Prepare the individual rolls by the knotting technique.
  7. Proof the rolls for 45 minutes at room temperature, then flip them upside-down. Mist again with spray oil, cover the pan, and continue proof for another 30 to 45 minutes, or until the rolls are double their original size.
  8. Preheat the oven to 425F with the oven rack on the middle shelf. Uncover the rolls and prepare them for baking. Mist rolls with water and sprinkle sesame seeds over the top.
  9. Place the pan in the oven, spray the oven walls with water, and close the door. After 10 minutes, rotate the pan for even baking and lower the oven temperature to 400F. Continue baking until the rolls are a medium golden brown. This will take 15 to 30 minutes for large rolls, or less for smaller rolls.
  10. Remove the rolls from the pan, and cool them down for at least 30 minutes.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Steam Injection and Crust

The breads I made are rustic and their crust is thick. I think it is due to the baking time.
The longer I baked, the thicker the crust became. However, if I paint the dough with water just before baking it, the water may form a coat of steam around the dough. The steam may help lower down the temperature, therefore the crust could be thin even though the baking time is the same.

I learned that professional ovens come with mist injection devices in order to make good quality crust. I think it is based on the same principle. Home-oven does not have the luxury of steam injection. I hope water painting skill I imagine could do the same effect. I will try it out next time I make breads.

Dullness and Quality

I am now re-reading Robert Pirsig's ZAMM without any specific order whenever I am in toilet. Here are some paragraphs I read this morning. ( Very strange, I read best when I am in toilet. This is a habit since my youth. )

"Or if he take whatever dull jobs he is stuck with--and they are all, sooner or later, dull--and, just to keep himself amused, starts to look for options of Quality, and secretly pursues these options, just for their own sake, thus making an art out of what he is doing, he is likely to discover that he becomes a much more interesting person and much less of an object to the people around him because his Quality decisions change him too. And not only the job and him, but others too because Quality tends to fan out like waves. The Quality job he did not think anyone was going to see is seen, and the person who sees it feels a little better because of it, and is likely to pass that feeling on to others, and in that way the Quality tends to keep on going."

Indeed, from my personal experience, Quality usually grows out from Dullness. Dullness frees up our minds, hence our brains could think of Quality when they are free from forms. That is why meditation is done in such a way. I particularly like the phrase ".. and they are all, sooner or later..", which is very true in this world. The question is that when it becomes dull, what can you do about it? The way you handle it determines your Quality.

Friday, April 27, 2007

What is good; what is bad? Hard to tell !

The title concludes my thoughts regarding the film, Quills. It also represents my attitude towards this world.

The movie, Quills, was inspired by the stories of Marquis de Sade, who was an atheist, an extreme freedom philosopher and a very controversial erotic writer. The English word, sadism, is derived from his name.

The brief plot of the movie goes on like this:

Marquis was prisoned in a madmen asylum overseen by a liberal Abbe. To cure Marquis, the Abbe encouraged him to write. With helps from a chambermaid, Madeleine, Marquis's stories leaked out and got published. His erotic stories became popular among people and the infamous popularity soon called for misfortunes. Emperor Napolean banned Marquis's stories and dispatched Dr. Royer Collard to tighten the administration of the asylum. That is where the movie begins its own story. With each of Marquis's fightings to write, the policy was further tightened and more misfortunes happened. The movie ends with the death of Madeleine, Simone's turn into a prostitute from an innocent angel, the Abbe's self-destruction into madness and Marquis's final relief.

In the story, there are several contrast characters -- Dr. Royer Collard and Marquis; Madeleine and Dr's young, superficially virginal wife, Simone. The Abbe himself also contrasts to Marquis, who does not believe in God.

Dr. Collad and Marquis stand on the two ends of spectrum in moral, at least, on the surface. Marquis never pretends to be a Saint. He is not shamed of being a libertine and an atheist. He is whom he claims to be. Dr. Collad, on the contrary, is a beast with a human-being's form, an evil with moral's outfit. He is a cruel old man who has no pity with other people. It was he that cruelly locked the cell's door while he knew that Madeleine was in danger inside. Marquis , in another cell, bursted in tears for being unable to save her. Who is moral in front of God, if there is one?

Madeleine assisted Marquis to spread his stories. She helped other patients in the asylum. She secretly loves the Abbe. She likes marquis's erotic stories. She said that "I imagined to play a part in those dirty stories so I could be a good girl in this real world". And, she died as a virgin. Madeleine is like a virginal lotus out from a dirty pond.

Unlike Madeleine, Simone was raised up in a church and received good education. She did not know of any earthly thing before marrying to Dr. Collad. She reads Marquis's stories, and before long, she seduced other man and indulged in lust.

Both Madeleine and Simone read same stories and why did they behave so differently? Who should be blamed, the reader Simone or the author Marquis? Why does looking-good thing turn bad and looking-bad thing good? After all, Marquis said that he only 'records' what truly happened. Why are people so weak in oppose to the truth? Otherwise, how can we explain the Abbe's final madness? Perhaps that is why Marquis chose to be an atheist since he has seen the hell.

Indeed, it is so difficult to tell what is good and what is bad in this world.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Friday, April 13, 2007


Kurt Vonnegut passed away last night. This was the news being broadcasted on NPR when the radio alarm waked me at 7:30 AM. I knew Vonnegut, but I thought he was dead long time ago. I did not realize he was a living icon until he now is surely dead.

To be precise, I don't know Vonnegut himself, but his masterpiece, Slaughterhouse-Five. To be more precise, I forget about the content of the novel, but keep all memories associated with it. They happened in that hot and humid summer in 1992; they happened when I liked one girl very much. In 1992, during the summer, I stayed at school and took Japanese 101 in the neighboring QingHua U. since that girl also took the class. To see her is my only motivation to take the course. I thought that I may have a chance to chat with her after the class on the way back to Chiao-Tung U.

Days in and days out. My Japanese and other things (I took other classes, too) improved a lot except my relationship with her. She was still like a dove which always kept a safe distance from me, and I was just too shy to say anything beyond "Hello. It is so hot today." A dumb conversation easily choked a budding love affair. I was troubled by this situation very much, but just did not know how to fix it.

To attend Japanese 101, I had to pass by a big white building in Qing-Hua U., and I was very curious about that building. One day, in order to expel my sorrow, I decided to visit it. It was the main library. Comparing to the one in Chiao-Tung, this library contains much more novels--the fine, contemporary but classical ones. Slaughterhouse-Five is among them. For the rest of the vacation, I constantly visited the library during weekends. I picked up a looking-good novel, took a table close to the window, dived into the novel and forgot about the girl.

I now can't fully recall what Slaughterhouse-Five is about, but all memories associated with the book in that hot summer in 1992 come back to me as vivid as they just happened yesterday.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


秋游波城 2001文蕾作


Monday, April 02, 2007

Homemade Bread

Recently, I developed my own philosophy of craftsmanship and I decided to apply it. Artisan bread is one of things I can contribute to.

The result is quite successful. The bread tastes great under the cherry blossoms. Here is my secret for its quality:

  • 3 1/3 cups of flour, 1 1/2+ cup of warm water, 2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of instant active yeast.
  • Mix all of them together, roughly kneading into a shaggy ball.
  • Rest the ball for 10-15 minutes.
  • Kneading the ball for another 10-15 minutes until it becomes smooth.
  • Pre-heat the oven to 'warm' level. Put the mass into a big mix bowl covered with a wet sheet of paper-tower. Put the bowl in the oven for rising.
  • Leave it in the oven for 8 hours.
  • On a well-floured surface, roll the flour mass and cut it into four balls. Each of balls can be stuffed with minced garlic.
  • Pre-heat the oven for 420 F.
  • Put the balls into the oven for 40 minutes.

The reason why resting the mass for 10-15 minutes is to let the fabric of flour reorganize themselves. This is what I learned from the book. It speeds up the whole process, then reduces the number of kneading, then reduces the exposed surface to oxygen, and therefore, increases the flavor of the bread. Raising in the oven is my idea. Oven is a perfect place for raising since it is a closed environment with controllable temperature setting. The ideal temperature is 70-80F and that is why I preheat the oven with 'warm' setting. Holes in bread is a key to a successful bread. The more holes the bread has; the softer the bread is. The number of holes depends on the degree of raising. That is why I chose to use instant yeast and 8-hour duration for raising. Moisture also directly contributes to the softness of bread. More water during the mixing stage makes softer bread. Bake the bread in high temperature first, and the hardened surface of the bread encapsulates water inside.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Xiao Tian tossed on the bed and could not sleep, so he got up and wandered along the beach. It was a clear night. Moonlight sprinkled down from the sky. Xiao Tian just enjoyed the romantic atmosphere around the lake.

Suddenly, the moonlight disappeared. Before Xiao Tian understood what happened, he first realized that he was in the air! It turned out that a big Eagle can't sleep either, so he flew out and seek his prey. (If Xiao Tian remained on the bed, he could avoid this disaster. However, he also missed the chance of adventures if he have done so! Of course, I won't tell Anbo the last part.)

The Eagle brought Xiao Tian back to his nest. There are several hungry baby eagles. They pecked Xiao Tian. Poor Xiao Tian was thrilled. He backed up and up, eventually he dropped out of the nest and fell into a very deep valley. It is so deep that the bottom can't be seen.

Before reaching the bottom, Xiao Tian fainted due to scary. Before long, Xiao Tian was awakened by a small read wild horse. The little horse soon befriended with Xiao Tian. He took Xiao Tian back to his tribe -- a herd of 40 or so wild horses.

Xiao Tian was hungry and wanted to do fishing, so he made a leave-boat. He sailed out and the little horse swam beside him. The lake was so clean that the beautiful under-water scene attracted Xiao Tian. Therefore, under the little horse's encouragement, Xiao Tian overcame his fear and learned how to swim. And Xiao Tian succeeded ! While enjoying being surrounded by cool water, Xiao Tian saw two mermaids swam toward hims. They invited Xiao Tian to their palace. Riding on the back of the little horse, Xiao Tian swam behind the two mermaids for the palace.

Confessions of an Economic Hit Man

I am quite happy that I can now read faster and faster in English. I finished John Perkins' Confessions of an Economic Hit Man in two days. There are two reasons why I could finish the book fast: the book itself is easy to read and I consciously practice the principles of "How to read a book".

Recently, Chinatimes translated and published a book titled "经济杀手的告白“。Chinatimes put the first chapter on line. After skimming the chapter, I assessed the book would help me understanding better what is going on in this world. So, I borrowed the book from our local library and started reading it. I was not disappointed. The book answered many questions. However many more questions are not answered. I hope Arnold J. Toynbee can help me finding them.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

What is the common part between writing software, baking bread, and making furnitures? Crafting would be my answer and quality would be the goal of these activities.

After seeking for so many years, I finally realize what I was pursuing, why I was not satisfied, and what I want to be. A craftsman.
Next day, the Elephant felt much better when he waked. It must be due to Xiao Tian's medicine. The elephant thanked Xiao Tian. The elephant lead all of them to a cool spring water nearby. After drinking delicious spring water, everyone felt refreshed.

The elephant invited Xiao Tian and his father to ride on him. They wandered on the savanna. On the elephant's back, they saw lots of animals on the grass field. There are lions, zebras and horses. Suddenly, animals looked scared and ran away. Before long, the sun disappeared, too. A huge shadow fall upon them. Xiao Tian and his father did not have faintest idea what was going on. The elephant urged them to hold tight since he is going to run away from the flying fire-dragon, Dilon.

The fire balls, from Dilon, almost hit them. Finally, the elephant successfully escaped from Dilon and hide in a narrow cave. Dilon waited outside of the cave and looked angry. In the cave, the elephant told Xiao Tian about Dilon's story -- why and how Dilon turned into an ugly fire dragon from a naughty and bad-tempered boy.

Outside of the cave, Dilon outcried. After the story, Xiao Tian paid his sympathy to Dilon. Both the elephant and Xiao Tian's father thought it is a stupid idea to feel sorry for Dilon. After all, Dilon suffered from what he deserved. Xiao Tian is a good boy and he thought everyone can be changed. He decided to give it a try tomorrow.

At night, Xiao Tian, his father and the elephant slept in the cave while Dilon still waited outside.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Xiao Tian, accompanied by Pink Pig and Grandpa Grasshopper, finally found his father. His father and mother were just back from sailing. On the boat, the father introduced Xiao Tian every level including the deck. In the refrigerator, there were a huge octopus and a big shark. The father told Xiao Tian how he caught these two monsters.

On the deck, the father invited Xiao Tian to fly with him in a small airplane. In the air, both of them saw a poor elephant fainting on a small island. Xiao Tian wants to save the poor one, but his father feared to death and did not want to go. Xiao Tian educated his father that all poor ones are worthy to be saved no matter how they look.

Reluctantly, Xiao Tian's father landed the plane and Xiao Tian rushed to the fainted elephant. The poor one was crying. Xiao Tian checked the elephant, found the problem, and cured him. At night, they camped by the elephant.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Our family had a long trip to Centreville, MD yesterday. We visited there to see the model house and Wenlei liked the model house.

On the way to the Centreville, we went through the Bay Bridge. The blue sky, the sunshine and the reflections of the ocean waves made me feel I was driving in San Francisco, California. Therefore, I had a good mood and driving was enjoyable. It would be better if there are few vineyards there, too. There might have, but I have to find out.

There is one thing special about this trip -- everyone got what he or she likes. Wenlei saw the house, I enjoyed the beautiful scene, and Anbo found his dreamy horses in the farms in Centreville.

It was certainly a nice trip. After all, if a trip, in which everyone got what he or she likes, can't be a nice trip, what else trip can be?

We had our dinner in Prena Bread in Germantown, MD. The pizza there was excellent. I would exclaim it was the best one I've ever had. The nice dinner concluded our nice trip.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Having a peaceful mind seems the only way to realize quality in our work -- no matter the work is to maintain a motorcycle, to design a software system, or to draw a picture.

In the latest episode of "殷媛小聚",蒋勋 introduced a water-ink landscape drawing, 秋江渔父图,by 许道宁 in Song dynasty. He explains that the drawing is excellent because it merges the outside scene with the inward mood. Depending on viewer's mood, the picture unveils different details. A peaceful mind is needed by the drawer as well as by the viewer. An absent-minded viewer sees nothing but mountains and waters; however, a careful one sees that the painting is not about waters and lands, but about secrets of life and death.


Friday, February 23, 2007

I finished last chapters of "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" on the flight back to U.S. This is a deep book -- you can read it many times and still learn new things each time.

To me, the most important chapters are 24, 25 and 26. The most important message I got is "Quality is a result of the peace of a mind".

Saturday, February 17, 2007

2007 春联


文蕾 作


重庆解放碑有一抄手达人,食客林红偕友夜访于不期。店未开,人未至。闻达人居陋巷, 巷深窄而黑无灯。为抄手,二人摸至达人居所。达人在寝。二人央求抄手于达人不依不饶。达人无奈,起而作抄手。食罢,二人归。吾闻之,但觉快意,二女子所为任性痛快而率真,颇具我辈之风, 可入吾食客列传。

Sunday, January 07, 2007


What will you think, when you see the four Chinese words---"就是开阿"? Will you associate them with someone's name? Perhaps not, if you know Chinese. The direct translation of the four words is "Just open it!".

But, it indeed is someone's Chinese name. 就是开阿 looks like an Africa-American, about 45-year old, around 5-feet and 3-inch tall, a little bit overweighted, and is probably crazy about Chinese culture. 就是开阿's English name is Joseph Tahar. I knew all of these because my dear fellow, Joseph, was standing in front of me in the lobby of National Aqurarium at Baltimore. Joseph preciously hold a painting and the four Chinese words, in Chinese calligraphy, dominated the major part of the painting. Two nicely-drawn Chinese golden dragons surrounded the four Chinese words, and Joseph Tahar, written in smaller and artistic calligraphy, floats above 就是开阿. Overall, the painting looks very nice if you forgo the meaning of those four chinese words.

Joseph bought the painting for that four little chinese words. He must know that those four little words represent his Chinese name. I guess that the artist painted Joseph's Chinese name after Joseph told the artist his English name because the pronunciations of Joseph Tahar and 就是开阿 sound alike. Joseph hold the painting so preciously that he probably will hang the painting in the best spot in his house. I sincerely hope he has no Chinese friends, otherwise, I worry his love towards Chinese culture will be blown away by his Chinese friends' laughs.

The author of the painting played a cruel naming joke on my poor fellow, Joseph. However, I have to admit that the artist did it excellently since I can't forget 就是开阿's English name!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Took Anbo to National Zoo

We took Anbo to National Zoo last Sunday (Dec/31/06). That was the third time Anbo visited the zoo. In the previous visits, Anbo was not very interested in animals. Most of time, he sucked
his thumb and stared at animals blankly. It was different this time. Anbo watched animals with great interests---his face flushed and he shouted excitingly when he saw cute ones, such as otters, giant panda and apes.

Anbo liked apes most. We visited the apes hall in the last minute. By the time we entered the hall, most of apes already finished their dinner. They just lay down; none of them were playing.
Those apes seemed like to lie close to windows, through which we watched them. There was a black Chimpanzee, who lay down by the window and lazily scratch his armpit. Anbo watched the chimpanzee scratching, giggled and said, "He is so cute !" At that moment, I felt my son is the cutest animal in the world.