Thursday, October 18, 2007

A short trip to see dinosaurs' old bones

Last Saturday, we took Anbo and Anmo to see dinosaur fossils in the Museum of Natural History. This trip was special since Anbo himself planed this weekend activity. Wenlei and I were just drivers and guardians. Anbo was very interested in seeing those old bones. He had lots of questions. (Well, I have to admit that I can't answer most of the questions because they are either too silly or too difficult.) I plan to borrow few books about Dinosaurs from the local library. It also might be a good time now to tell the story of Jurassic Park to Anbo.

After visiting the museum, we wandered on the national mall. There was an annual Solar Decathlon. Many small but stylish solar-powered houses were built on the mall for the competition. The goal is to use just solar power to support a typical family in a single house. I really hope that one day these solar technologies would become cheap enough to use in our daily lives. I was very interested in this kind of things, unfortunately, we were too late. The public demonstration was close after 5:00 pm.

Anmo also had a happy time, but in a different way. He did not enjoy too much about old bones, but was very interested in playing pebbles on the national mall.

I made a wrong decision about our dinner. I took them to Bob's 88 for dinner. Since kids were very tired, they became cranky. We eventually had to leave the restaurant in the middle of eating. On the way back home, both of them fell into sleep.

Sunday, October 07, 2007


将炒锅洗净擦干,放几片姜片在锅里干炒 了一下,以免粘锅。拿出姜片,倒油炼熟;倒入洗净切好的鸭块,反复炒动,盖上锅盖让它焖上一会,直到生鸭块褪去血色,可得把握好别把鸭快炒黑了哦。然后倒 啤酒锅中,可别小气你的啤酒,倒多少好呢?我一般是把一瓶啤酒全倒进去。把火调小;好了,现在 可以慢慢放入如下调料:盐、糖、桂皮、八角、陈醋、老抽、干辣椒、姜丝,量之多少以适量为准。用锅铲把它们翻动一下,盖上锅盖,让 啤酒慢慢燃烧吧。一般在这种小火的情况下,您必须得耐心地等上30-40分钟的光阴,毕竟鸭子这东西要熟烂点才好吃;其实这个等待的过程是很惬意的,想想 看,啤酒在炒锅中的香味和那些作料的香味复合在一起该有多么的香啊。待啤酒快烧干的时候放蒜、炒几下,然后再放些红辣椒油和水淀粉,最后放上味精翻炒,别 忘了倒点水.


Monday, October 01, 2007

J. M. W. Turner

The National Museum of Art is showing J. M. W Turner's masterpieces. This article on economist provides some background information.