Tintin is not popular in America. One can easily pick up what are popular from one's sons in kindergarten. The popular ones are Superman, Batman, and Spiderman--all kinds of violent, unrealistic characters in weird costumes. I want to provide my sons with a different kind of hero--a hero in ordinary costume, dealing with troubles with his brain, not with his muscles. Tintin comes into my mind.
I got the whole collection of Tintin from our local library. After 27 years, I meet Tintin again. I read the comics together with my 4-year-old son. This time, I realize that the adventures are quite sophisticated, no wonder, I recall nothing. Well, I don't care so much about whether Anbo can comprehend the stories or not, as long as he enjoys reading, and I think he does.
Coincidentally, Economist has an article analyzing Tintin's cult in Europe. Enjoy the article!