Wednesday, December 19, 2007



高中时,星期六只上半天课,中午放学,剩下的半天我可以自由运用, 不用急着赶路回家,于是星期六对我便有宗教般的意义,而我也有一套完整的“仪式”对应: 从建中校门出来后,穿过南海路,进入植物园,到荷花池边散步,看花看乌龟,慢慢往万华方向踱去,脚步尽量放慢 ,享受园中风光。出了植物园侧门,我加快步伐,开始计时,目的在最短时间内穿过高架桥下从古亭区进入万华区,到万华戏院门口等公车回板桥。若是能在十五分钟内到达,我就奖励自己一个“福州胡椒饼”。胡椒饼一个五元,正好是我走路而省下的公车费。


The content below is from ETTV 食全食美。


播出日期 2004.10.05
料理系統 台菜
食材分類 13
烹調大師 蔡季芳

材 料:
後腿肉丁1斤 肥絞肉3兩
高筋麵粉3杯 青蔥6兩 蒜泥1/2小匙
生白芝麻1/2大匙 乾酵母1又1/2小匙
糖蜜2大匙 沙拉油1小匙

醬油8大匙 五香粉1/2小匙
黑胡椒粒1小匙 糖3大匙

做 法:
( 10/05 15:01 )


The content below is from


材料: (15個)
油皮材料:高筋麵粉 75g,低筋麵粉 75g,酥油 50g,糖粉 30g,水 70 ml。
油酥材料:低筋麵粉 220g,酥油 85g。
餡料:(每個約55g)豬絞肉 600g,蔥末 100g,白芝麻 50g,砂糖 20g,鹽 10g,醬油 30g,黑胡椒粉 10g,五香粉少許。
其他材料:白芝麻適量。* 芝麻泡水十分鐘,瀝乾水份備用。

1. 準備餡料:將所有餡料材料混合攪拌均勻備用。
2. 製作油皮:將所有油皮材料混合,搓揉均勻至表面光滑且麵團有彈性,覆蓋保鮮膜,靜置10~15分鐘。
3. 此時可以製作油酥:混合低筋麵粉與酥油,耐心捏揉至成團狀(約2~3分鐘左右)。揉均勻的油酥應該是沒有彈性的粉團,用力按壓會碎裂,但是仍能整成團狀或條狀。將油皮與油酥都分割成15等份備用。
4. 每個油皮包裹一個油酥,捏緊開口,用掌心按壓一下,用桿麵杖從中間向前後兩側桿開,從一端捲起,如此包完全部的油酥。將每個捲好的油酥皮換方向再輕壓、桿開、包捲(詳細圖示與說明請參考台式蛋塔的做法圖示)
5. 最後桿開油酥皮成約手掌掌心大小,取一份肉餡放在中央,慢慢收緊油酥皮並向內收攏使成圓球狀,最後把收口處捏緊(一定要捏緊,否則烤的時候容易爆開)。把餅略壓扁平,在表面拍上泡過水的白芝麻並排放在烤盤上。參考附圖A。
6. 將烤箱預熱至200 C / 400 F,放入烘烤約20分鐘即可。參考附圖B。

參考來源: 精緻點心DIY, 游純雄著。

1. 糖粉=powdered sugar,不可用一般砂糖代替。
2. 我用黑胡椒粒炒過之後再磨碎成粉狀,顆粒比現成的黑胡椒粉略粗,也比較香。可以買顆粒較粗的黑胡椒粉來代用,但還是現磨的比較香喔。

1杯 = 240cc = 240 ml
1大匙 = 1 Tablespoon = 15 cc = 15 ml
1小匙 = 1 Teaspoon = 5 cc = 5 ml



Thursday, December 13, 2007

Pictures for the walls behind the dry-wall.

Before the dry-walls are up, it is a good idea to take pictures for all walls in the house, so we can know the details behind each wall. The problem is how to manage these pictures since they all look the same.

When I took pictures, I followed the following rules:
  1. From top to down in levels.
  2. Start with the room located at the left-front corner of the house, and navigate all rooms on the same floor in the counter-clock order.
  3. In a room, start with the wall facing toward the facade of the house, and take pictures for the walls in the room in the counter-clock order.
To manage and search through these pictures, I need an easy and quick way to locate the corresponding picture of any wall in the house. Making notes to each picture is not good enough. Ideally, I shall be able to point to any wall on the blueprint of the house, and the corresponding picture of the wall will pop-up. This sounds a good software project for the family.

Monday, December 10, 2007




Thursday, December 06, 2007

My favorite book

Robert Pirsig's Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance is my favorite book. I am reading it the third time this year. The book somehow is always on my mind, and I just keep coming back to it. The book is not about motorcycles at all, it is about the philosophical muse on Art, Science, Quality, and the relationships among them. A very 'inward' book, a perfect match to me.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The freestyle stroke

My attitude toward those fairy tales, by now, is clear, and I do not intend to keep telling those stories. Instead, I want to share something useful, thoughtful and interesting with my sons.

Since Anbo is really interested in swimming, so I borrowed a few books about it. What we read tonight is "DK Superguides Swimming", by Rick Cross. While Anbo enjoyed the pictures in the book, I read aloud to him. Occasionally, he stopped me and asked a few questions. I answered them one by one, and then resumed reading to him. He liked this way of reading. Me, too.

This way of reading not only broadens his view, but also helps me knowing more. Tonight, I finally solved a puzzle which has been haunting me for couple of decades. The puzzle is about swimming strokes. In Chinese, we call one particular stroke, in which the swimmer uses his arms alternatively to propel him through water, as 自由式, meaning the freestyle stroke。In English, the stroke is called 'the crawl'. I was always puzzled by that Chinese name since I was 8. To me, the free style literately means any style I like. If a style is fixed in such a way that the swimming has to use his arms alternatively, it should not be called 'free style'. Then, why is that kind of particular stroke called as 'freestyle' stroke in Chinese? The freestyle stroke is not free at all, isn't it?

The following sentence in the book comes to rescue: "In competition, there is no actual event called the crawl, but it is the most common choice of stroke in the freestyle event." It is clear that 自由式 was a translation mistake. It should be called "爬式“。 自由式 is a competition event name, not a stroke name. As the name suggests, in the freestyle event, you are free to pick your favorite stroke to compete. It just happens that most people choose 'the crawl' stroke since it is the fastest one. Now, everything makes sense to me.



余忆童稚时,独珍笋豆一味。为笋豆,在家则思念终日,在校则霸凌同学。桂君豪,为余小学一年级同桌。一日桂带豆至校,余得始尝,有“人间得尝此味,不枉作人一回“之感。遂令其日日献豆一包,不从,则“骑马打仗”时,著意痛击,此后,吾日日尝豆。桂转校,豆遂断。此事,不独父母不知,老师亦不知。余幼时,实乃一竖子。 及长,立意收痞气,无奈痞气天成,至今仍隐约浮现。