Saturday, December 09, 2006

I am very depressed

I am truly depressed.

In these months, my lives changed dramatically---I work from home and I no longer access to
lots of convenient facilities, like fax machines, copy machines, .. etc.
The problem is that people around me did not think so.

For example, I am asked to mail a package attached with a photocopy of my green card. Gods knows
how difficult it becomes -- First, there is no copy machine at home, nor at post office. Then when I get to the
local library and get a copy of my green card there, the quality of the result is not acceptable for the machine
there is a piece of junk.

To get a copy of my green card, I spent more than one hour and I still can't get it done. I used to finish
all of these in a second. I was happy to manage to collect all the data, fill out all forms and what other people need
to do is just to sign their signatures, which I can't do for them. A concrete example is when I tried to apply
for green cards.

Last night, I asked a simple question: "Why don't you have make a copy of my green card for me?" I was blasted
off by a very rude shout -- "You hold your own green card a treasury and no body else can touch it ! "
No, the answer is off the topic and is an attack. I would give out my card if I was asked "Can you give me
your card for I want to make a copy of it when I make my own."; however, that never happened.

To be fair and to have a good balance, it is true that almost all of the forms are done and what I need to is to sign my signature except that I spend 20-minute to search out the form, re-fill out the page 7, print the page, and replace the wrong page for
an error I pointed out days ago. That is OK and I thank for all of efforts for putting all of these together. I just feel very very
depressed when I spent two hours outside and can't get my copy of green card. Not even to mention mailing out the package.
