I now fall in love with two magazines: The Economist and New Yorker.
These two magazines are on two extreme sides of one spectrum:
Articles in The Economist are written by anonymous authors. The style of each article is uniform: short, concise, to-the-point and easy to read. In each issue, there are many short articles covering things happened internationally in the past week. I particularly like the title of each article -- one word captures the spirit of the article. The topics covered by the magazine are broad, including politics, economics, science, technologies and books.
On the other hand, articles in New York go for different direction. The magazine emphasize the authors, therefore, articles in one magazine normally show you the different styles of the authors. In each issue, there are not many articles, but each article are normally lengthy since a great details are shown in the article. Comparing to The Economist, New York covers topics more towards to arts and literature. I particularly like the fiction in each issue of New Yorker.
Although, the two magazines go for different directions; however, articles in both magazines are all enjoyable. I have great time with these two magazines.