Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Make our own boat
The past weekend was the 5th annual Howard County Boat Float contest. Wang's family invited us to join the contest. We were on the same team--the Lion Team. The contest was to make a boat with cardboards and duct tapes only, and to rowed the boat across a distance on the lake. Whoever rowed the fastest, made the most fabulous boat, or sinked in the most unthinkable way would be rewarded. See their website here: http://www.hocoboatfloat.com/
It was our first time and we had no experience at all. After a brief discussion, we decided to make a simple 'box-like' boat, which fits one or two people. Someone thought the shape of the boat is closer to a coffin than to a box. Anyway, a coffin is a box.
Wang Bo and I were responsible for making the boat; ladies for 'wrapping' it with a big plastic sheet to 'seal' the boat. From the beginning of the boat making, we told the differences between neat girls and lousy boys. Wang and I initially just wanted to put a girl as a model on a flat cardboard sheet and lousily folded the paper around the model to form the shape of the boat. That idea was quickly overthrown by girls. Girls like neat things and straight lines are among them. So be it. We boys made a so-called neat boat by following girls' orders; girls wrapped the boat like a gift. By far, no one knew if the good-looking boat would sustain the moment of testing--being afloat beyond the distance to row.
One of our competitors made a very solid and beautifully aerodynamic-shaped boat that was basically covered by tapes. Among these two, whose boat would be more buoyant?
The moment of the truth finally came. Initially, we boys tended to be as heroic as possible by being the sailors. Soon, we discarded the heroic idea as a bystander left us a comment--"that would interesting!" after he peeked inside the boat and glanced over us, the sailors to be. My interpretation was "that would be interesting to see how two over-sized men, crowded in a tiny paper boat, tried to vainly rescue themselves from the inevitable fate." Instead, as being shown repeatedly in history, our ladies, as legend heroines, came to our rescues. They volunteered to be the sailors for being physically smaller and for being more agile.
Yet, our heroines did not have a good start for the flaw of the boat design. The bottom of the boat was too narrow, and the sides of the boat were not strong enough to resist water pressures. For that, our heroines got overthrown instantly out from the boat and Wenlei got injured.
"Never giving up" was the spirit behind of this contest, and we are the faithful followers of the spirit. Our remaining heroine, Xiao Jie, tried again alone. This time, she succeeded! She had a perfect sense of balance and used it beautifully while rowing the boat. She managed to keep the boat aloft from the start point till the destination. That was truly heroic!
Finally, we got the second place in the contest! It was fun to put theory into practice, and it is the contest I want to attend next year!
(Thank you for reading the whole article. By the way, don't blame me if I 'forgot' to mention that there were only two teams in our class.)
Monday, June 09, 2008
- “确实很难快速腾出手来处理已经倒塌的校舍建筑质量的法律问题” 法院應不是救災單位,怎么就不能展開調查?
- ”你们所遭遇的丧子之痛,全国人民都感同身受。十三亿人在同一时间全部肃立,默哀三分钟,这肯定是人类历史上最浩大、最隆重的悼念仪式。悼念对象,就有 你们的孩子。在全国哀悼日,一位佛学大师对我说,有十几亿人护持,这些往生者全都成了菩萨,会一直佑护中国。我想,你们的孩子如果九天有灵,也一定已经安 宁。“ 的潛意思是說“已經那么多人為你孩子哀悼了, 夠意思了,就別鬧了。”
- “一些对中国人历来不怀好意的人,正天天等着我们做错一点什么呢。“ 你是說別丟人現眼?
昨天从海外一些媒体看到,灾区一些家长捧着遇难子女的照片请愿,要求通过法律诉讼来惩处一些造成房屋倒塌的学校领导和承包商。从画面上看得出,警察们 正用温和的方式劝解,但家长们情绪激烈。由此,那些已经很长时间找不到反华借口的媒体又开始进行反华宣传了,诬陷性的说法有四点:
你们所遭遇的丧子之痛,全国人民都感同身受。十三亿人在同一时间全部肃立,默哀三分钟,这肯定是人类历史上最浩大、最隆重的悼念仪式。悼念对象,就有 你们的孩子。在全国哀悼日,一位佛学大师对我说,有十几亿人护持,这些往生者全都成了菩萨,会一直佑护中国。我想,你们的孩子如果九天有灵,也一定已经安 宁。
有了这个主因,再要论定房屋倒塌的其他原因,就麻烦得多了,需要有较长时间的科学检测和辩论,而且要经得起国际同等级的灾测比照。我希望有关方面能在 搜救生命、挖掘遗体之后尽力保护校舍倒塌的实物证据,以便今后进行司法技术调查。但在目前,不能急躁,因为还有更危急的事。
堰塞湖的问题是悬在几十万人头上的凶剑,卫生防疫问题也急不可待,灾区上上下下所有的力量还在气喘吁吁地忙于救灾,人口大幅度流动,一切都处于临时状 态,因此,确实很难快速腾出手来处理已经倒塌的校舍建筑质量的法律问题。我想,你们一定是识大体、明大理的人,先让大家把最危急的关及几十万、几百万活着 的人的安全问题解决了,怎么样?
你们受灾以来的杰出表现,已经为整个中华民族赢来了最高尊严。你们一定不会否认,这些天来,无论是中国的各级政府、军队、武警、医生,还是全国各地和 世界各国的救援者、志愿者都尽心尽力、令人感动。只有当这些里里外外的多重力量不受干扰地集合在一起,才能把今后十分艰巨的任务一步步完成。因此,你们要 做的是以主人的身份使这种动人的气氛保持下去,避免横生枝节。一些对中国人历来不怀好意的人,正天天等着我们做错一点什么呢。
Monday, June 02, 2008
The Rape of Nanking
Although it is not pleasant to read the book, it does not say that it is not worthy to do so. On the contrary, it is not only very important to read the book, but also essential, for being a Chinese, to read to not forget about that dark past.
Why would the horrible Nanking holocaust even happen is the question naturally comes to a reader's mind. It is easy to blame Japan's armies for all of these horrible things. Indeed, they were the murders. However, why would Chinese armies, as well as people, allow those butchers slaughter them so easily? In the book, I did not find a lot of resistances from Chinese people. Instead, few Japanese soldiers managed to slaughter a lot of Chinese people by ordering them to dig holes for themselves. Why would Chinese people be so tame and so weak like this? To me, it is not an honor to announce that Chinese people are peaceful if the result of being peaceful is to be slaughtered like pigs.
高希均說“國家不富強,終遭欺負; 政府不廉能, 終被揚棄; 人民不爭氣,終被輕視“。誠哉斯言!