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Just read the article in the toilet. The last paragraph, albeit telling the truth, does not make me fell good.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Friday, May 11, 2007
前阵子,大爱台“殷媛小聚“介绍电影“练习曲”。文蕾对于练习曲中的台湾风光,非常有兴趣, 常常向我提起。直到今天,我才在网上得知“练习曲”的梗概。
在交大四年,一共换了四辆车子。每一次都是始于喜滋滋的从新竹市区车店买了自认为划算的靓旧车, 而终于收假回来,在清大车棚遍寻伊车不着,最后只好自认晦气。但是我与每辆爱车短暂肌肤相亲的日子中,有着我俩一同追逐风,追逐太阳的痛快和豪迈: 我时常骑车去南寮鱼港看海; 我闯荡新竹乡间,山中。竹东,關西,新豐,新埔,寶山,新埔 都有我和铁马的身影。有时和三五好友骑, 更多时候是自己孤独的骑。最远骑到桃园石门水库。可惜,我没有骑回板桥家中,也没有环岛, 深引为憾。
我喜欢在地图上选定目标,或是小瀑布;或是一座桥,然后我和我的马子(铁马)一同征服它。理由是没有的,要的只是一个爽。我喜欢从交清小径一溜而下,穿过清华,一路滑行回到博爱校区, 享受穿梭在风中的感觉。 但我最爱逆游而上,死命踩踏板, 与公车比快。 到达光复校区时,酸胀的双腿是我心中唐吉珂德式的骄傲。
在交大四年,一共换了四辆车子。每一次都是始于喜滋滋的从新竹市区车店买了自认为划算的靓旧车, 而终于收假回来,在清大车棚遍寻伊车不着,最后只好自认晦气。但是我与每辆爱车短暂肌肤相亲的日子中,有着我俩一同追逐风,追逐太阳的痛快和豪迈: 我时常骑车去南寮鱼港看海; 我闯荡新竹乡间,山中。竹东,關西,新豐,新埔,寶山,新埔 都有我和铁马的身影。有时和三五好友骑, 更多时候是自己孤独的骑。最远骑到桃园石门水库。可惜,我没有骑回板桥家中,也没有环岛, 深引为憾。
我喜欢在地图上选定目标,或是小瀑布;或是一座桥,然后我和我的马子(铁马)一同征服它。理由是没有的,要的只是一个爽。我喜欢从交清小径一溜而下,穿过清华,一路滑行回到博爱校区, 享受穿梭在风中的感觉。 但我最爱逆游而上,死命踩踏板, 与公车比快。 到达光复校区时,酸胀的双腿是我心中唐吉珂德式的骄傲。
Monday, May 07, 2007
Subject-Object dualism
Back to some paragraphs in ZAMM I read in toilet. It examines subject-object relationship.
I think the basic fault that underlies the problem of stuckness is traditional rationality's insistence upon "objectivity," a doctrine that there is a divided reality of subject and object. For true science to take place these must be rigidly separate from each other. "You are the mechanic. There is the motorcycle. You are forever apart from one another. You do this to it. You do that to it. These will be the results."
These eternally dualistic subject-object way of approaching the motorcycle sounds right to us because we are used to it. But it is not right. It has always been an artificial interpretation superimposed on reality. It has never been reality itself. When this duality is completely accepted , a certain non-individual relationship between the mechanic and motorcycle, a craftsman-life feeling for the work, is destroyed. When traditional rationality divides the world into subjects and objects it shuts out Quality, and when are you really stuck, it is Quality, not any subjects or objects, that tells you where you ought to go.
Develop a feeling about the work you are working on. Inject emotions upon it if you could. Love it or hate it. Gradually and slowly, a bud of Quality grows out from the work you work on. Lot of examples, PERL is one.
I think the basic fault that underlies the problem of stuckness is traditional rationality's insistence upon "objectivity," a doctrine that there is a divided reality of subject and object. For true science to take place these must be rigidly separate from each other. "You are the mechanic. There is the motorcycle. You are forever apart from one another. You do this to it. You do that to it. These will be the results."
These eternally dualistic subject-object way of approaching the motorcycle sounds right to us because we are used to it. But it is not right. It has always been an artificial interpretation superimposed on reality. It has never been reality itself. When this duality is completely accepted , a certain non-individual relationship between the mechanic and motorcycle, a craftsman-life feeling for the work, is destroyed. When traditional rationality divides the world into subjects and objects it shuts out Quality, and when are you really stuck, it is Quality, not any subjects or objects, that tells you where you ought to go.
Develop a feeling about the work you are working on. Inject emotions upon it if you could. Love it or hate it. Gradually and slowly, a bud of Quality grows out from the work you work on. Lot of examples, PERL is one.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Kaiser Rolls
Today, I made Kaiser Rolls, and the result was successful. Wenlei immediately finished one and gave me a warm kiss afterwards. No word is needed.

Here is the recipe:
Ingredients : for making 6 large rolls or 9 small rolls
Here is the recipe:
- Bread Profile:Enriched, standard dough; indirect method; commercial yeast.
- Days to Make: 2
- Day 1: 1 1/4 hours for pate fermentee
- Day 2: 1 hour to de-chill pate fermentee; 10 to 15 minutes kneading; 3 1/2 to 4 hours fermentation, shaping, and proofing; 15 to 30 minutes baking.
- Commentary: I use knotting roll design, direct dough without malt syrup. It turns out to be just fine. Indirect dough could be more tasty.
Ingredients : for making 6 large rolls or 9 small rolls
- Pate fermentee: 1 1/2 cups
- Bread flour: 2 1/4 coups
- Salt: 3/4 teaspoon
- Malt syrup: 1 1/2 teaspoons
- Instant yeast: 1 teaspoon
- Egg: 1 large
- Oil: 1 1/2 tablespoon
- Water (lukewarm): 3/4 cup
- Take the pate fermentee out of the refrigerator 1 hour before making the dough. Cut it up into about 10 small pieces. Cover it with a towel or plastic wrap and let sit for 1 hour to take off the chill.
- Stir together the flour, salt, malt, and yeast in a bowl. Add the pate fermentee, egg, oil and water. Stir for 1 minute, or until the ingredient form a ball. Add water if there is still loose flour.
- Lightly dust the counter with flour, transfer the dough to the counter, and begin kneading. Knead for about 10 minute, adding flour, if needed, to make a dough that is soft and supple, tacky but not sticky. The dough should pass the windowpane test. Lightly oil a large bowl and transfer the dough to the bowl, rolling it to coat it with the oil. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap.
- Ferment at room temperature for 2 hours, or until the dough double in size. If the dough double in size before 2 hours have elapsed, remove it, knead it slightly to degas it, and return it to the bowl to continue fermenting until doubled from original size or until 2 hours have elapsed.
- Remove the dough from the bowl and divide it into 6 or 9 rolls. Mist the rounds lightly with spray oil, cover with a towel or plastic wrap, and let the dough relax for 10 minutes.
- Prepare the individual rolls by the knotting technique.
- Proof the rolls for 45 minutes at room temperature, then flip them upside-down. Mist again with spray oil, cover the pan, and continue proof for another 30 to 45 minutes, or until the rolls are double their original size.
- Preheat the oven to 425F with the oven rack on the middle shelf. Uncover the rolls and prepare them for baking. Mist rolls with water and sprinkle sesame seeds over the top.
- Place the pan in the oven, spray the oven walls with water, and close the door. After 10 minutes, rotate the pan for even baking and lower the oven temperature to 400F. Continue baking until the rolls are a medium golden brown. This will take 15 to 30 minutes for large rolls, or less for smaller rolls.
- Remove the rolls from the pan, and cool them down for at least 30 minutes.
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